What do you buy when you buy music?
While in isolation, I’ve picked up a few mp3s — all the stuff I’ve known about for a while but haven’t gotten around to buying. This included my first bandcamp purchase, as well as a trip through iTunes-land. I bought stuff by the Breeders, Gene Burnett, Victor Krummenacher…
It had been a while since I bought an mp3. I’ve been buying physical CDs. I’ve never gotten into the habit of playing mp3s in the car. I just don’t quite believe it’s real unless I have to deal with getting the thing in and out of the CD player while going 40 miles per hour.
Most removed from me are the people I see on Facebook with pictures of their albums and turntables. Jazz albums, punk albums, Rush albums. It seems these are the most tried-and-true fans, keeping it real for the rest of us.
As a guy with an album (or whatever you want to call it) coming out at the end of the year, I don’t know what to think. I know what I buy, but I don’t know what you buy. To help me bridge the gap, I’ve created another poll. The results will go a long way toward helping me figure out what type of thing (or things) I’m making, so choose the medium you’re most likely to purchase. Also, Pollsify doesn’t seem to have an option where you can pick more than one answer, so if you’re complicated like me, feel free to comment.
Rock on, Art